The Mysterious Benedict Society Season 2

follows four gifted orphans who are recruited by an eccentric benefactor for a secret mission. Placed undercover at a boarding school known as The...

Starring: Seth Carr, Emmy DeOliveira, Mystic Inscho, Marta Kessler, MaameYaa Boafo, Tony Hale, Ryan Hurst, Gia Sandhu, Kristen Schaal, Saara Chaudry, Ben Cockell, Katherine Evans, Ben Daon, Emily Delahunty, John Gillich, Tysae Grewal, Trevor Hinton, Rémi-Gaël Panon, Jed Rees
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Family, Mystery
Countries: USA
IMDb Rating: The Mysterious Benedict Society () on IMDb

3.50/5 - (0 Votes)

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