
The story revolves around a fresh-out-of-theology school priestess Anna, who takes a chaplain position in a local women's prison. There she meets a...

Starring: Ann Eleonora Jørgensen, Benedikte Hansen, Helle Hertz, Henrik Prip, Jens Albinus, Kirsten Olesen, Lars Oluf Larsen, Lars Ranthe, Lisbet Lundquist, Mette Munk Plum, Nicolaj Kopernikus, Pauli Ryberg, Rodolfo Jimenez, Sarah Boberg, Sonja Richter, Trine Dyrholm
Genre: Drama
Countries: Denmark
Release Date: January 23, 2004
Runtime: 101 mins
IMDb Rating: Forbrydelser (2004) on IMDb

3.66/5 - (32 Votes)

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