Men with Brooms

Paul Gross stars as the leader of a recently reunited curling team from a small Canadian town. This offbeat comedy follows the team as they work...

Starring: Barbara Gordon, Beau Starr, Bill Lynn, Bob Bainborough, Connor Price, George Buza, Gerry Quigley, Greg Bryk, James Allodi, James B Douglas, Jed Rees, Kari Matchett, Laura James, Leslie Nielsen, LJ Vasilantonakis, Michael Stevens, Michelle Nolden, Mike 'Nug' Nahrgang, Molly Parker, Paul Gross, Peter Outerbridge, Polly Shannon, Stan Coles, Tannis Burnett,
Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance, Sport
Countries: Canada
Directors: Paul Gross
Release Date: March 08, 2002
Runtime: 102 mins
IMDb Rating: Men with Brooms (2002) on IMDb

3.33/5 - (33 Votes)

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